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Mar 21, 2014

Made Resse's bottom cheesecake!

I garnished the cheesecake differently as I work along the recipe with the ingredients I had. I didn't want to go and buy a box of Graham Cracker and use it once. So I had some chips ahoy - chunky chocolate chunk and just crushed some cookies. I also had bar of chocolate so I shave it with a grater. I also bought mini reese cups and hide some cheesecake with mini reeses in the center.

There were different sizes in the stores so I bought party size bag, big cup and mini reeses. The party and big cup were small, didn't fit perfectly on the bottom of cupcake pan. There was also a super size one that I didn't buy, might have fit.

Also I made my own no bake cheese cake.

Cheesecake filling:
pack of cream cheese, soften
1 cup (or 1/2 pint) heavy whipped cream
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup sugar (the reeses was sweet enough, didn't want it to de sweeter, could add less)

Electric mixture, in bowl, smooth the cream cheese then add sugar, till creamy and add vanilla, keep mixing.

The filling wasn't liquidly so it was hard spreading and filling the paper cups.

While I my friend was crushing the cookie, I can use a cookie as the "bottom crust."

My friend froze his batch and he said it taste like ice cream and the reese was too sweet.

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